Mackenzie Thorpe Centre

The Mackenzie Thorpe Centre is an independent specialist school based in South Bank, Redcar and Cleveland for pupils aged 5-19

Working together to inspire, support, celebrate and equip autistic and neurodiverse people to fulfil their potential in life.

Class 2 have been looking at diversity this week. 

On Monday we looked at some instruments form around the world. The children enjoyed playing the Thai frog which was harvested form the wood of the jackfruit tree in Thailand, the panpipes from the mountains of Peru, the rain stick from northern Chile and the bird whistle made from bamboo in Java.  

We listened to different music form around the world and the children had a go with the instruments by playing them to the beat. We talked about the music and discussed how it was nice that there was different music to listen to.  

The children then had a go at making some panpipes out of straws. The read and followed some instructions which enhanced their English skills. They also worked on their measuring as they had to measure and cut the straws into different lengths. As the children were making their panpipes, they talked about the different cultures that we have in our country. We also discussed about the different cultures we have in our school noting how we all look and like different things. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed playing their new instruments. 

Class then enjoyed reading the book 'The colour of us' this is a book that related the skin colour to different foods. The children enjoyed smelling and tasting the different foods in the book. They then mixed paint to match different skin tones found in the book and their own skin colour. They then painted a heart using the different colours they have created and write a sentences about diversity such as "Skin colour does not define you as a person." by Katie

Further more, Lucy Sinclair, had a surprise visit from a tortoise. She found him in her back garden. The children have spent some time researching some facts so that Lucy can properly look after it until she finds the owner. Harry created a tally chart to find the perfect name whilst Sophia and Alfie created a home fit for the most adventurous tortoise!