Employment Futures

Employment Futures exists to help remove barriers to meaningful employment for autistic adults and/or those with learning difficulties.

For neurodiverse young people, adults, and those with disabilities we know it can be a difficult process to find and then remain in employment – which is why we started Employment Futures.

Our expert team is ready right now to help those hoping to access employment do so with confidence.

There are multiple ways we can help through a variety of programmes.

Measures include:
  • Workplace ‘matching’ – finding work placements and experience best suited to the needs and skills of the individual and the business
  • Work trials – a placement in actual working conditions with a view to being employed
  • Working interviews – ideal for those who normally under perform in traditional interview settings
  • Pre-work preparation – including help with interview skills and CV writing
  • Bespoke skills development
  • Building confidence and technique for positive disclosure

We are currently running several programmes helping people from across the North-east.

Find out more about our current programmes.

Or contact the team on 0191 375 3941 or email [email protected]