
ProgressNE is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority.

Removing barriers to create a fair, inclusive and accessible community.

At ProgressNE we are passionate about helping people to achieve their potential and at the heart of everything we do is the acceptance that every person is unique - which is why we tailor the support we offer to your individual strengths, interests and abilities.

So, whether you are struggling socially, looking for work or simply need support accessing benefits, we’re here to help.

Once enrolled with ProgressNE, you will benefit from:

  • One-to-one support at weekly meetings

  • A benefits check and support to apply for and claim eligible payments (supported by Turn2Us link -

  • A wellness action plan for managing physical and mental wellbeing

  • Support accessing community groups

  • Social skills development

  • Support to access mainstream health services, eg. GP appointments, social prescribing etc.

  • Support with basic skills (English, Maths, ICT)

  • Participation in work experience placements or work trials

  • Work trials – a placement in actual working conditions with a view to being employed

  • Pre-work preparation – including help with interview skills and CV writing

  • Bespoke skills development

  • Building confidence around positive disclosure

  • Travel Training to address identified barriers

  • Careers advice and advice on training/education

  • Ongoing in-work support

  • Training for your employer

  • Support with self employment (supported by Upstart - link