
ProgressNE is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority.

Removing barriers to create a fair, inclusive and accessible community.

At ProgressNE we are passionate about effecting real change in the lives of the adults we work alongside.

Each member of our team brings a wealth of knowledge, personal experience and expertise to the role, meaning they’re well equipped to support both individuals and employers, with the goal of achieving long-term success for all involved.

Derek Groves
Employment Services Manager

Tracey Summerbell
Employment Services Manager

Ashley Jones
Deputy Employment Services Manager

Rachael Leisk
Employer Engagement Officer

Steve Brown
Employment Specialist

Alex Hall
Employment Specialist

Gary Hankinson
Employment Specialist

Philip Hutchinson
Employment Specialist

Naomi Gallagher
Employment Specialist

Jay Dixon
Employment Specialist

Jennifer Bell
Employment Specialist