Family Development

Made possible from a wealth of experience gathered over four decades serving the North-east we’ve created a Family Resources website just for you.

Brought together by our Family Development team, members of our Neurodiversity think tank and from families sending us their tips and advice we’ve put together a bank of free resources to help you, as part of our valued community, to navigate the day-to-day challenges of life.

Family networking group is a closed group on Facebook, led by NEAS with an element of peer-to-peer support. The group which provides a platform to empower, educate and connect parent/carers and other family members.

Driving aims of the group:

  • Increase knowledge
  • Share useful information
  • Connect people

Family members have told us that they greatly benefit from talking to other people in a similar situation and it was for this reason that family networking was initially set up.

Main ethos of the group:

  • The group is NEAS led with an element of peer support.
  • It will provide positive support and education and avoid negative reinforcement.
  • All information shared will be productive and proactive

    Family Networking

    What our members say... 

    I honestly would be lost without this group. You have all given me so much helpful advice in the past and given me the confidence I need to pursue help for me child.

    Everyone is so kind and helpful and make me realise i'm not on my own. 

    Great support and information, very friendly and play groups have been a great help to myself and family.

    Join our Family Networking Group