Thornbeck College

Thornbeck College is an Independent Specialist College providing personalised programmes to autistic and neurodivergent individuals

Working together to inspire, support, celebrate and equip autistic and neurodivergent people to fulfil their potential in life.

Thornbeck College's Learner Council is the forum where learners play an active role in college wide suggestions and improvements. The Learner Council plays an integral role in the college community, providing a representative structure to support learners to be active participants in promoting learner voice. Learners are encouraged to make suggestions in relation to improvements and attend learner council meetings to discuss these. They can debate issues of concern and undertake initiatives of benefit to the college.

On Wednesday 22nd September, we held our Learner Council elections. Each learner who wanted to take part designed a campaign poster to inform others why they were a suitable candidate for the learner council role. Representatives were then democratically elected.

Participating in the elections has supported the learners to increase their understanding of British values and promoted a positive college community.

Following a count of the votes, seven learners were identified as Learner Council representatives for this academic year.