Luke, 19, is decorating his home in Bedlington, Northumberland, for Christmas for the first time ever .. and you can see how excited he is about it.

The festive period has traditionally been difficult for Luke as his anxiety and stress levels rose in anticipation of the presents he was going to get.

But his team in Supported Living put the focus this year on preparing his home for Christmas instead of gifts, and were surprised and delighted when he wanted to join in.

"It's the first time he has been involved in painting his walls. He chose the colours but we didn't expect him to pick up a paintbrush," says ISL Area Manager Beth Forster.

He painted the feature wall in his living room and helped with the other walls. He's happy, proud and pleased with it.

Luke's team had provisionally planned to bring forward Christmas celebrations to 9th December to avoid the stressful build-up. But he has coped so well this year that they haven't had to do that.

"Each week he has been actively engaged in preparing for Christmas, which has become fun and positive and not all about receiving gifts," Beth says. "It's testament to the team that he has come so far in the two years he's been with us and that we are not now having to have Christmas early."

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