Kerrie and Becca's Skydive As part of Autism Acceptance Week, Kerrie and Becca will be Going for Gold and ticking off the ultimate bucket list challenge. On the 6th April 2019, they will be jumping from a plane at around 10,000ft and flying through the air at speeds of up to 180mph! - - Kerrie Highcock, Family Development Manager, has worked at NEAS for 10 years. Over the years, Kerrie has completed numerous challenges in a bid to raise money for the lifeline services her team provide to families across the North east. She's walked on fire, zip lined off the Tyne Bridge and even tackled a half-marathon… twice! But she believes this skydive is the biggest challenge she's ever faced. Kerrie said: "I'm terrified! This skydive is a massive personal challenge for myself and it will mean I'm facing a lot of my fears. As part of my role, I support families who face numerous challenges on a regular basis. I've witnessed how brave they are as they overcome whatever life throws at them and they really are my motivation. I'll be thinking of all the families I’ve supported over the years as I jump out of that plane! "The work that myself and Becca deliver isn't funded. Our service and the groups that we run rely on the generous donations of others. "Every penny really does count and will help us continue our work supporting autistic children, young people, adults and their families across the region. Even just a £1 donation will help us be a step closer to reaching our target." Together they aim to raise £1000. This amount of money could help: run 20 family courses set up new toddler groups create more workshops deliver support groups for the whole family Becca said: "Like Kerrie, I'm also petrified! There are so many families out there who need our support and we want to be able to help as many as we possibly can. All of the groups we run are designed based on the results of our needs analysis where we look at what support families in our region are crying out for. We communicate with families regularly and try our very best to fulfil their needs. We never turn our backs on anyone in need of support. If for some reason we can't personally provide the level of support needed, we always recommend other groups in the region that may be of help. Our service is bespoke and tailored to the individual needs of each family and we often have feedback from families stating how valuable this type of support is." “If we reach our £1000 target, it would be an incredible personal achievement for myself and Kerrie, and it would also help the hundreds of families we support across the region." Donate now. Don't forget to leave Kerrie and Becca a good luck message with your donation! Manage Cookie Preferences