By entering this fundraising event, you agree to all the following conditions of entry:

The Walk is open to all dogs provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult who must be at least aged 16 years or over on 11th May 2014. Whilst we welcome families we ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire walk. The aim of the Walk is to raise funds for North East Autism Society and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you register, and then find that you are unable to take part, please let us know as soon as you can as we may allocate your place to another dog. All sponsor forms must be returned to the charity. You must follow the instructions of Walk officials at all times and the route indicated.

A Registration Form must be completed for every dog/walker, and the appropriate fee must accompany each form. No entries will be accepted without the entry fee. The entry fee is a non-refundable donation to North East Autism Society. Dogs must be kept under control and on a lead at all times and any all poop scooped!

Please to try and raise as much sponsorship as possible for the work of the charity. All sponsorship monies must be paid direct to the North East Autism Society by 1st December 2014.