Family Development

Made possible from a wealth of experience gathered over four decades serving the North-east we’ve created a Family Resources website just for you.

Brought together by our Family Development team, members of our Neurodiversity think tank and from families sending us their tips and advice we’ve put together a bank of free resources to help you, as part of our valued community, to navigate the day-to-day challenges of life.

Transitions are a part of everyday life, some examples include bigger transitions like moving house or starting a new school to smaller transitions such as moving from one task to another in the classroom. For some autistic people, transitions can cause feelings of anxiety and stress and be extremely challenging. This section provides some ideas to think about, to increase your understanding and provide support strategies during this time.

Tips for transitions
Tips for returning to school
Moving schools
Moving house 
Support through staffing changes
Supporting seasonal changes 
Starting further education
Support during a parent separation
Adjusting to a new sibling
First day at primary school
Preparing for the first day at nursery