Thornbeck College

Thornbeck College is an Independent Specialist College providing personalised programmes to autistic and neurodivergent individuals

Working together to inspire, support, celebrate and equip autistic and neurodivergent people to fulfil their potential in life.

A student charter is an agreement that students and the college follow. This helps the students achieve their aspirations and goals and develop new skills. Learning these new skills will increase their independence, confidence and and gain appropriate qualifications to support them in the future. A student charter is very important and it also helps to keep people safe.

The whole college or an individual may create a charter, as we know that each student will have different aspirations and goals. The charter should be agreed by both the student and the college and signed.

The statements below are what we agree to and we will continue to do our best to work towards these.

Together we will:

·       Agree to working together and achieving our best

·       Respect each other and always treat each other fairly

·       Communicate with openness, respect and honesty

·       Be a good role model and have high standards around the college

·       Be a positive influence in our local community

As a college we will:

·       Provide an individual curriculum based upon your long-term aspirations

·       Communicate to you in a way that you prefer

·       Ensure that you have access to support and help

·       Listen and respond to any concerns in a timely manner

·       Ensure that receive advice and guidance that is impartial for careers, independence and community services

·       Provide the best student experience that we can based upon your personal learning profile

·       Ensure there are different mechanisms in place for communication and feedback so that all students can have a voice

·       Provide opportunities for you to fulfill your social inclusion and wider community engagement

·       Ensure an accessible environment for all students

·       Provide appropriate technology for use at college for educational purposes

·       Provide you with opportunities to reflect upon your personal development


As a Student I will:

·       Arrive on time to my lessons

·       Try my best to complete my work to a good standard

·       Communicate well with staff

·       Give feedback to help the college get better

·       Follows health and safety rules to keep myself and others safe

·       Be polite to others

·       Behave in a responsible manner (verbal and physical abuse will not be tolerated by the college)