The North East Autism Society is a great place to work - but don't just take our word for it! Hear from staff about what it's like to work in our Supported Living Services. 

Dad-of-two Gary Veitch, helps 33-year-old Kane and 30-year-old Stewart to live in their own homes as part of our Independent Supported Living Services. Read Gary's story.

21 year-old Katie Moffat has been promoted twice in the short time she's been working in our Supported Living services. First to key worker and then to team leader, and is now being funded to study a Level 3 Diploma in health and social care at college. Read Katie's story. 

Former chef Modou Colley possessed a wealth of transferrable skills when he joined the North East Autism Society in January 2020. Read Modou's story. 

See our current Supported Living vacancies