Making the most of your visit to the GP

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) clinical priority programme has produced an advice sheet for those on the Autism Spectrum, their family and carers to help improve access to general practice in the UK. 

Click here to download the article

Applications to Independent Specialist Colleges

There has been some ongoing concern as to whether a student has to be first of all turned down by a General Further Education college (GFE) before they can apply for a place at a specialist college. Following a specific query the DfE SEND Unit have confirmed that this is not the case. 

The Children and Families Act gives parents and young people the right to express a preference for independent specialist provision when their Education, Health and Care plan is being drawn up. Section 38 of the Act gives parents and young people the right to request that a particular school or post-16 institution specified in section 38(3) be named in their EHC plan. The local authority must, after consultation with the institution, name the requested school unless specific criteria apply – that the provision would be unsuitable, detrimental to the education of others or a poor use of resources. Section 43 then requires the school or institution named in the EHC plan to admit the child or young person.

Parents and young people do not need to apply for and be rejected from a GFE college before requesting that a specialist post-16 institution be named on their EHC plan. The parent’s/young person’s request carries particular statutory weight, so they should request the provider they would like. This is not a guarantee that it will be named, but the local authority can only decline on the grounds cited above.

Education and Health Care PlanFrom September 1st 2014, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC plans) will replace Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDA) for all new college applicants. Please click here for more information about the changes. 

Regarding Special Educational Needs & Disability, Code of Practice:

  • Young people can now specify an Independent Specialist Provider on their Education Health Care (EHC) Plan.
  • Post-16 providers can be invited to a young person’s review from Year 9 onwards. 
  • Parents and young people do not need to apply for and be rejected from a General Further Education college (GFE) before requesting a specialist provider. 
  • Personal budgets can be included within EHC Plans.
  • Personal budgets can be used to purchase our short-breaks services.
  • Children and Young People must be the centre of their own EHC Plan.
  • You can download education local offers.

The Young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014
As of the 1st September 2014 the new Children and Families Act 2014 has brought about many changes for young people.

This new resource is from the Department for Education is for young people who want to know more about the Children and Families Act 2014 and what it means for them.

It goes through each part of the Act information is presented in a format intended to be accessible to young people.

The guide can be accessed here