Aycliffe School Curriculum All pupils at Aycliffe School have access to a learning programme that is tailored to their individual needs, taking account of their starting point and the next stage of their education and planned destination. The individual elements of pupils’ personalised programmes together form a coherent and meaningful whole, so that the pupil is able to see how each aspect of their learning is helping them to progress towards the next stage of their education or destination. Our curriculum is separated into three different pathways for both Pre-14 pupils and Post-14 pupils. Click each of our curriculum pathways below to find out more information. Pre-14 Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Early Communication, Cognition and Sensory Programme Other Programme Post-14 Curriculum Learning for Living and Work Pathway to Continuing Education Pathway to Employment Pathway to Independent Living Early Years Foundation Stage | Pathway Overview This programme is based on education milestones, communication and language development, physical development and personal social and emotional development | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pupils aged 3 - 4 years A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content Preparing for Adulthood - Employment - Independent Living - Community Inclusion - Health and well-being Communication and language development Physical development Personal, social and emotional development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design Safeguarding and welfare Early Communication, Cognition and Sensory Programme | Pathway Overview This programme is based on education milestones functioning at early cognition level and social and emotional wellbeing. | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pre-14 aged pupils A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content Preparing for Adulthood - Employment - Independent Living - Community Inclusion - Health and well-being Social and emotional wellbeing Physical wellbeing and development Communication and interaction Learning for life Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Safeguarding Other Programme | Pathway Overview This programme is based on education milestones with access to meaningful and appropriate accredited qualifications are linked to the pupil's planned destination. | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pre-14 aged pupils A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content Preparing for Adulthood - Employment - Independent Living - Community Inclusion - Health and well-being English Mathematics Science ICT PHSE Keeping yourself safe Communication Working with others Improving own learning and performance Problem solving Access to appropriate accredited qualifications where meaningful and linked to planned destination Pathway to Continuing Education | Pathway Overview Choosing the Continuing Education pathway of the Learning for Living and Work Programme enables you to undertake a variety of sessions to develop your skills in a range of different areas. | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pupils aged 14 - 19 years A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content This pathway could include: Vocational courses from Entry Level 2 up to Level 1 Functional Skills qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT from Entry level 1 up to Level 2 Visits to continuing education providers Individual travel training programme Support to develop strategies to self-regulate your social and emotional well-being e-Safety Personal safety Communication and social interaction skills Problem solving Independent living skills Community inclusion Health and well-being Experience of work Social action project Pathway to Employment | Pathway Overview This programme focuses on preparation for employment leading to supported/open employment, supported internship, volunteering. | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pupil's aged 14 - 19 years A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content This pathway could include: Vocational courses from Entry Level 2 up to Level 1 Functional Skills qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT from Entry level 1 up to Level Vocational tasters in woodwork, car maintenance, horticulture, hairdressing, media, retail, business administration to enable learners to make an informed choice of the vocational sector they may want to progress on to Relevant careers education, information and guidance Employability including work preparation and planning, interview preparation, enterprise activities, undertaking high quality and meaningful work experience, and job seeking skills Individual travel training programme Experiential learning in the workplace and the community linked personal vocational profile Personal and social development skills such as confidence-building, teamwork, healthy living, citizenship, rights and responsibilities Success in learning including preparing to learn, progressing in learning and learning activities Pathway to Independent Living | Pathway Overview This programme focuses on providing pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding of how to look after themselves, live as independently as possible in their preferred environment, and promote their social inclusion. | Entry Requirements You must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is subject to commissioning by your local authority This pathway is aimed at pupils aged 14 - 19 years A three day referral visit followed by a comprehensive extended initial assessment period | Pathway Content This pathway could include: Developing Personal Skills Independent Living Citizenship Managing Relationships Skills Needed for Work including enterprise projects Functional English, mathematics and ICT skills Accessing community facilities such as accessing health services and getting about safely Household skills such as food safety and storage and basic meal preparation Accessing a range of facilities and activities in the local community to promote community inclusion Personal care/development such as healthy living, personal awareness Managing own health Rights and responsibilities such as living in a diverse society and self-advocacy Manage Cookie Preferences