Payroll Giving is a flexible scheme which allows anyone in employment who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax free basis to the charities and good cause of their choice.
Donations through Payroll Giving are taken from your pay before tax is deducted, HM Revenue & Customs then gives us the tax it would otherwise have kept. So your donation costs you less and is tax-free.

Some employers choose to match their employee’s gifts for a limited period, or offer other incentives to join the scheme so don’t forget to check what your company offers.

And it's good for business - research shows that companies who offer Payroll Giving believe it improves their company image, enhances community involvement programmes and supports employee volunteering. 96% of companies feel that Payroll Giving is something a good employer should offer.... and nearly all said they would like to increase participation levels in their organisations.

How your help can change lives…

  • £5 could pay for a child to go swimming
  • £25 could buy a sensory toy.
  • £55 could pay for massage or music therapy
  • £175 could pay for one week of speech & language therapy
  • £500 could pay for a weekend residential stay at our lodges.

For more information on Payroll Giving, please click the links below:

For Employers       For Employees