Short breaks encompass overnight stays, weekend and week-long breaks. 

  • Many parents of children with autism live with the anxiety of what would happen to their child if they were suddenly unable to care for them. We have listened to parents and developed a crisis response service to offer reassurance to both the child and parents during these difficult times. 
  • The integrated approach that we take offers children a wraparound and familiar service and the impact of this is a more happy and confident child.
  • Consulting and involving parents in designing the service for their child promotes reassurance and comfort to know their child is safe and being well cared for. 
  • Children and parents can use this service flexibly in order to fit around their busy home lives. 
  • A proven track record of children remaining in the family home, as we provide family support programmes to support both children and parents in promoting positive strategies.

We provide an integrated, wraparound service for children and young people. This provides a more seamless approach to the many services that children can access. Our approach is far more than just providing respite for families; we offer a truly holistic approach that focuses on the specific needs of each child and young person. Our aim is to ensure the service is both educational and fun so that children and young people can gain skills and strategies for life to become as independent as they can possibly be, whilst also enjoying their experience.

We are committed to ensuring that children and young people are at the centre of everything that we do. All programmes are underpinned by person centred values in order to create a totally bespoke experience for children and young people with autism and, or learning disabilities. We work in partnership with the child, their family and the local authority in order to truly understand a child’s needs along with agreeing the positive outcomes to be achieved in order to ensure the service is educational and will also work alongside our education colleagues so that all of our positive strategies promote improving the child’s skills for greater independence.

This can also link into local authority transitions teams where we will help develop independence skills programmes, so that young people can prepare for adulthood. Our Children's Short break Service is available from our North East Centre for Autism in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. 

Click here to download Aycliffe Short Breaks - Statement of Purpose

For further information please contact:
Cath Blair on 01325 328 080 ex 117 or email